
Really REAL Cream Cheese

In further New York State delicious food news:

Today we are featuring Heamour Farms Quark.

Quark is a traditional German soft spreadable cheese that is quite common all over middle Europe. (The average German eats 10 pounds a year!) Quark is delicious slathered on toast all by itself, having a soft, whipped texture and mild, tangy lactic flavor.

Shannon at Heamour Farms wants you to know that there is a LOT more you can do with it! She recommends mixing in dill and garlic for a party dip, or you can use it in place of cream cheese to make a light, fluffy cheese cake (having tasted one of these that was prepared by Lisa from Two Hearts Farm, I can attest to flavor! I heard the choir singing with every bite!)

My favorite breakfast these days is a piece of toast, well buttered with cultured butter, a layer of Quark, then a slice of smoked salmon. Oh man, THAT is REAL food!

Quark is also commonly eaten just like yogurt, with some preserves or granola mixed in.

Come on in and taste it today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, see. I go out of town for just three days and look what I miss! These cheese tastings are a way cool idea. I'll be in for the next one for sure!