
New Products in the Store

A few interesting things new in your store: Patti Peek's Italian Cookies and desserts. Almond paste cookies in bags by the coffee, and funnel cakes in the deli case. You may have seen Patti's treats at the regional market, but she has mostly sold by word-of-mouth until now. She advertises, "Cookies like Nana used to make..." I especially like the almond paste Pignolis, not too sweet, covered in spanish pinenuts.

Not new to many of our customers are Rita Muhammad's Vanilla Bean Pies. These have been a big hit at Plowshares for a few seasons, and we now have them in our deli case in a single serve size. I had never tried a ean pie before sampling them this winter, and I was very impressed by the smooth, rich consistency and subtle vanilla flavor. We carry brown sugar sweetened and maple syrup sweetened in 3" sizes.

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