
Coffee at the Co-op

Starting tomorrow, March 11, the Co-op will be offering a variety of brewed coffees. Our new paper cups, with above logo, are a benefit of belonging to the National Cooperative Grocers Association (NCGA). While Co-ops belonging to NCGA maintain their autonomy, they reap the benefits of a "virtual chain" such as these great cups.

We will also be offering month long "coffee cards" that will enable the holder to grab a great cup of fair-trade organic coffee as often as they please.


Anonymous said...

Cool beans! (so to speak) What are you all brewing? Any Hubba Hubba or Kickin' A** coffee?

Anonymous said...

Oops, I meant Kicking Horse coffee. But it does kick a**--great stuff!

Anonymous said...
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Salohi said...

Bodhi Tree would like to say a hearty Thank You to Syracuse Real Foods for the wonderful promo of our little company. We sincerely appreciate the leg up! Nice little blog you've got!